Upon venturing into the big, bad, blog world, Christine and I both thought maybe we should let you all in on a few things you may not know (or want to know) about each of us. So without further ado here are 25 things about Brittany:
- I am obsessed with sour cream; we're not talking a drop or a dollop here people, I am talking scoops and mounds of full-fat goodness.
- I started my own Mexican Familia. My name is Juan Carlos and I am the head of the familia. There are 30+ members.
- I could eat sushi every single day and NEVER get sick of it.
- I read 4 tabloid magazines a week and always do the crossword in the back of Star.
- I love Costco. Plain and simple. What's not to love... go in hungry, come out full and satisfied. Plus, who doesn't love things that come in bulk!
- I moved back to Vancouver in April of this year and still have not finished unpacking!!
- I don't understand why baseball has 9 innings, what can they not do in 5?
- I have a fear of fish - I use Fish Finder on the boat to tell me where not to swim.
- I love Journey. Don't Stop Believin' is one of my all time favorite songs (and my ringtone).
- Dance parties are always appropriate - any time, any place - tell me where and I am there!
- I firmly believe that you should always use an accent when you quote people in the retelling of a story...its ALWAYS funnier!
- My stories often have no point.
- I have watched Russell Peters: Red, White and Brown over 50 times and laugh just as hard everytime.
- I don't sing in the shower but I do love listening to people that do.
- I have extreme road rage and often scream loudly in my car at bad drivers.
- I swore I would never Tweet... you can follow me at www.twitter.com/bgreenslade.
- My phone bill is on average 47 pages long.
- I talk - a LOT.
- My university class schedule revolved around Oprah. She is my higher power... have you SEEN her shoe closet people!
- I still get up every Christmas morning at 5 am and wake up everyone in my house to open stockings - they do NOT approve.
- The first concert I ever attended was Puff Daddy and the Family.
- I never want anything, I always need it.
- If nothing exciting happened in my day, I do not want to talk to you and will make you feel stupid for trying.
- Did I mention how often I talk??
- Up until the age of 23 I refused to eat lunch at a restaurant alone.
the last time i checked you were older than 23 and still don't each lunch alone. oh, and yes, you do talk...A LOT. Never in my life has one person switched subjects so many times by the end of a driveway. But, I love you, Juan. very amusing (and appropriate) top 25. Fernandita out.