1. I have three kidneys...you have two. It's surprising how many people don't know that.
2. I quit smoking 3 months ago and only ever crave them when Don Draper smokes in bed.
3. I tried to legally change my name to Pumpkin Tam when I was four years old.
4. I love to fish. I'm currently working on developing the Fish Bonking App for iPhone because I don't like killing them. I DO however like to gut them and eventually eat them.
5. I'm not ashamed to say I watch The Hills and The City and debrief both with my Mom after.
6. Teemu Selanne is my favourite hockey player.
7. The fact that I think he is handsome plays a part in that.
8. My favourite baseball player is Magglio Ordonez
9. His looks have very little to do with that.
10. Like my boy Bill Simmons, I believe the best movie of all time is Almost Famous. Read his mash up of top 50 AF quotes set to the winners and losers of the NBA's 2009 free-agent buying spree here. (old article but still sexy)
11. My favourite bottle of wine (and this varies weekly/monthly/hormonally) is Oyster Bay PinotNoir.
12. I thought the Facebook '25 Things' trend was really dumb and made fun of people who did it...
13. In high school I was a little awkward looking...people used to call me Turtle Boy & (c/o Hayley Gusola) Skeleton Bones....I'm pretty much over it.
14. My celebrity sightings include an intimate evening on a yacht with John Cusack (who wore gloves in July), a very long elevator ride with Michael Buble and his ego, and serving Zac Efron a carb friendly meal.
15. I secretly love country music. All they sing about is beer, driving, playing pool, and shooting people. It makes me really happy.
16. My favourite place to go on a date right now (and where Brittany and I had our first) is Habit on Main and 10th.
17. Even though my resume says I am, I am not detail oriented.
18. Dan Mangan, Bon Iver, and Band of Horses routinely make me cry when they come on the radio.
19. I wear men's cologne. I worry all the time that Esteban from Weeds wouldn't approve.
20. I prefer flowers over chocolate.
21. I think Jennifer Lopez is way too good for Marc Anthony. 79% of that belief comes from that Dakota Fanning movie where she gets kidnapped.
22. I used to teach Sex Ed to high school students in the Lower Mainland. I was that person who taught you how to put a condom on a wooden penis. I also used to dress up as a superhero called Lucy Lube...
23. I will never turn down a poker game.
24. I went traveling in Costa Rica this past summer. When my Dad emailed me asking how Puerto Rico was I didn't correct him.
25. I am excited about getting older. I like how every year I think I know everything and how the next year I look back and laugh at how I knew nothing. And on and on and so forth and so forth.
I think I might have to bookmark this one!
so like u gotta give some more detailse on hangin with a gloved cusack on a yacht/? please